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USPS Assessments

    • 15 tests |
    • 196 questions

USPS (United States Postal Service) is one of the US’s largest employers, with more than 630,000 members of staff, as well as one of the biggest computer systems globally. USPS has an impressive history, dating back to the late 1700s, and reaches 160 million residences, businesses, and Post Office Box addresses.

Prepare yourself for leading employers

Virtual Entry Assessment MH 475

This is the USPS Mail Handler Exam 475 and is required for any role in which you might have to handle or sort mail. It has four parts to the exam, similar to that of USPS MC 474, with an additional segment and more questions.

  • Work Scenarios
  • Check for Errors
  • Tell Us Your Story
  • Describe Your Approach

The Work Scenarios segment of USPS MC 475 is asituational judgment test with nine questions, in which you will be assessed on how you might approach workplace scenarios.

In the ‘Check For Errors’ section, you will be assessed on attention to detail, to ascertain how well and quickly you might be able to sort mail by zip code. You will be given several rows of data to sort (e.g. to select ‘match’ or ‘error’ when comparing two rows) and will be assessed on both speed and accuracy.

The ‘Tell Us Your Story’ test comprises 22 questions based on how you might have dealt with situations in previous employment.

The ‘Describe Your Approach’ section is a personality test with 79 questions. You should answer honestly, while keeping in mind the requirements from the job criteria as to the kind of person USPS is looking for in the role.

Virtual Entry Assessment MP 476

The USPS Mail Processing Exam 476 is similar in scope and length to Mail Handler Exam 475, and it forms part of the application process for roles such as Mail Processing Clerks. The format is the same as for Postal Exam 475, although the examples will be different.

  • Work Scenarios
  • Check for Errors
  • Tell Us Your Story
  • Describe Your Approach

The work scenarios will be ones appropriate for the mail processing role, and will include scenarios where you will need to select the most appropriate (or least appropriate) course of action.

Virtual Entry Assessment CS 477

The USPS Customer Service Clerk Exam 477 is for all customer-facing roles and has four sections:

  • Work Scenarios
  • Work your Register
  • Tell Us Your Story
  • Describe Your Approach

While the other sections will involve more customer-related scenarios, the format is very similar to the other exams above, with the Work Scenarios being a situational judgment test with ten questions, the ‘Tell Us Your Story’ section assessing your behavioral traits over 21 questions and the “Describe Your Approach” section a 56-question personality test.

The ‘Work Your Register’ section is new for Customer Service Clerk Exam 477 and assesses how quickly and accurately you can handle cash. The three questions assess your ability to make calculations and give change.

Group and individual interviews

Those that pass the required postal exam are then invited for a job interview, which candidates should prepare thoroughly for. You should expect to be asked questions such as the ones below, and should have an answer prepared for each, which demonstrates your research and interest in USPS as well as your skills.

  • Why do you want to work for USPS?
  • What skills do you think are essential for USPS?
  • How would you deal with an upset customer?

You should also expect to take part in group exercises, where you will need to demonstrate leadership and teamwork.

Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with USPS. We provide preparation services for USPS psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample United States Postal Service Tests question Test your knowledge!

Determine the error in the bulk mailing list entry: 'Suite 200, 2500 Deer Park Ave, Springfield IL 62704'

  • The suite number is incorrect.
  • The street address is incorrect.
  • The city name is incorrect.
  • The state abbreviation is incorrect.
  • The ZIP code is incorrect.

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United States Postal Service Tests Tips

1Understand the Format

Get comfortable with the types of questions you’ll see on the USPS exams. Familiarizing yourself with the format removes surprises and boosts confidence.

2Time Management

Practice pacing yourself during the tests, as good time management is key to completing all the questions.

3Practice, Practice, Practice

Regular practice on Practice Aptitude Tests can vastly improve your familiarity and comfort with the exam content. You can access practice tests for free on our website!

4Attention to Detail

USPS tests require careful reading and sharp attention. Work on honing these skills to minimize mistakes.

5Relax and Stay Positive

A positive mindset can impact your performance. Rest well before the test and maintain a can-do attitude throughout the process.

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United States Postal Service Tests FAQs

What are the USPS tests?

USPS tests are assessments designed to measure a variety of skills and aptitudes relevant to postal service roles. They typically include questions on speed, accuracy, memory, and spatial orientation to ensure candidates can handle job-specific requirements.

Are the USPS tests hard?

Difficulty is subjective, but USPS tests can be challenging. They aim to assess abilities crucial for mail handling and customer service in the postal sector. A solid preparation regime can make these tests less daunting.

How do I prepare for USPS tests?

Preparing for USPS tests largely involves practice. You can find a wide array of practice tests on Practice Aptitude Tests tailored to mimic the actual exam scenarios, providing a great platform to prepare and boost your confidence.

How long does the recruitment process take at USPS?

The recruitment process at USPS varies by position, but it generally includes an application review, exams, and interviews, spanning several weeks to a few months.

What are USPS's core values?

USPS’s core values center around providing efficient and reliable services, upholding integrity and respect in every action, and committing to innovation and sustainability in delivering for America.

Reviews of our USPS tests

What our customers say about our USPS tests

  • United States of America

    November 05, 2021

    Having the aptitude for the Career

    Seeing my lower % in the timed test, and then retaking it and seeing how slowing down and double-checking actually works, was pretty satisfying.