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Standard Bank Assessments

    • 12 tests |
    • 141 questions

Standard Bank is a leading financial services group based in Johannesburg. Operating in 20 African countries, it offers banking, corporate, and investment services, committed to driving Africa’s growth and economic development.

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Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with Standard Bank. We provide preparation services for Standard Bank psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample Standard Bank Assessments question Test your knowledge!

How many hurricanes in total were there in April and June combined?

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  • 49
  • 51
  • 57
  • 58

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I’ve practiced hundreds of numerical questions and still have plenty more to try.

Ellen used Practice Aptitude Tests to prepare for her upcoming interview at HSBC.


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Standard Bank Assessments Tips

1Understand the Format

Get familiar with the types of questions and the format of the test to reduce surprises on the day of the exam.

2Practice Regularly

Consistency is key. Regular practice helps to improve speed and accuracy, essential for scoring well.

3Free Website Practice

Utilize the resources available on Practice Aptitude Tests to take practice tests similar to those used by Standard Bank.

4Rest Well

Ensure you’re well-rested before the test to maintain focus and perform your best.

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Standard Bank Assessments FAQs

What are the Standard Bank tests?

Standard Bank tests are a series of assessments that evaluate potential employees’ aptitudes and compatibility with bank roles. They cover a range of abilities including numerical, verbal, and logical reasoning.

Are the Standard Bank tests hard?

Like most aptitude tests, Standard Bank tests can be challenging as they aim to identify the top candidates. However, difficulty is subjective, and thorough preparation can significantly ease the challenge.

How do I prepare for Standard Bank tests?

Preparing for Standard Bank tests is best achieved by practicing. At Practice Aptitude Tests, we offer a wealth of practice tests that can help you become familiar with the questions you’ll face.

How long does the recruitment process take at Standard Bank?

The recruitment process at Standard Bank varies by role but typically takes a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the assessments and the number of interview rounds.

What are Standard Bank's core values?

Standard Bank’s core values prioritize customer-focused innovation, ethical practices, and a commitment to making a real difference in the communities they serve.

Reviews of our Standard Bank tests

What our customers say about our Standard Bank tests

  • South Africa

    July 19, 2023


    Not much to complain about.There’s enough time to practice.It’s just that you can’t go back to re/do them again

  • South Africa

    January 27, 2023

    It was hard

    The test makes you have more concentration which is a good thing but is hard to think if you don't have enough time to write

  • South Africa

    December 16, 2022

    It’s nice practice

    It’s a bit tricky cos one doesn’t know how to go with the sequence, whether from small to big or big to small