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Home Depot Assessments

    • 13 tests |
    • 148 questions

Home Depot is one of the world’s largest home improvement stores, with more than 2,300 locations across North America. It was founded in 1978 and was the first of its kind for the DIY industry. Today, it sells more than 35 million products.

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Home Depot basic math concepts test

For some roles such as cashiers and shop assistants, knowing basic math is really important. If your role requires you to work with money and do quick calculations or measurements for customers, you will have to take this test.

Situations you might need basic math for include if a customer approached you and asked you how much product they need to cover 5 square feet of floor, or how much would it cost for 25 quantities of this product.

You might also consider practicing numerical reasoning tests, which require you to apply a range of math concepts to solve problems. The complexity lies in the test being timed, so you must practice answering questions quickly and accurately.

Home Depot phone interview

As well as an aptitude test during the pre-screening process, you might be invited to participate in a phone interview with Home Depot recruiters. These types of interviews are typically used for entry-level roles like cashiers and sales associates.

You will be asked a range of questions (lasting between 15 and 30 minutes) related to your past work experience, background, achievements, and motivations for applying to the position.

It’s important to speak confidently, clearly and have a good phone line connection. You should also do your homework about the Home Depot group and be really familiar with your resume and application, as you may be asked to talk about it.

Home Depot face-to-face interview

The final stage of the recruitment process is a face-to-face interview with one or two hiring managers.

The questions are pre-scripted and the interviewer will write down your answers.

The STAR method is useful when participating in any formal interview. It allows you to effectively structure each answer using the Situation, Task, Action and Response method.

Questions will be based on your personality qualities, work ethic, and experience, so it’s important to have examples ready to talk about.

Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with Home Depot. We provide preparation services for Home Depot psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample Home Depot Tests question Test your knowledge!

If a contractor buys 12 identical light fixtures for a total cost of $216.00, what is the cost per light fixture?

  • $18.00
  • $22.00
  • $20.00
  • $24.00

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Home Depot Tests Tips

1Familiarize Yourself

Before diving into preparation, take some time to understand what Home Depot is all about. Knowing the company and the role you’re applying for can help you anticipate the types of questions and scenarios you might encounter on their tests.

2Practice Realistic Test Questions

Make use of Practice Aptitude Tests to get your hands on test questions that mirror the ones used by Home Depot. This will help you know what to expect and reduce any test-day jitters.

3Keep An Eye On The Clock

Many aptitude tests are timed, so practice working under pressure to improve your time management. This will allow you to allocate your time wisely and complete more questions.

4Review Your Answers

If your practice test allows, review your answers and understand where you went right or wrong. This reflection is crucial for improving your performance in the actual test.

5Stay Calm and Positive

It’s natural to feel nervous, but try to stay calm. A positive mindset will help you perform better. Remember, it’s as much about how you handle the test as the answers you give.

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Home Depot Tests FAQs

What are the Home Depot tests?

Home Depot utilizes a variety of tests to assess the aptitude and skills of their candidates. These can include tests that measure cognitive abilities, situational judgement, and specific job-related skills relevant to the role being applied for.

Are the Home Depot tests hard?

The difficulty of Home Depot tests can vary depending on the role and the applicant’s strengths. However, they are designed to measure your true potential, so with the right preparation, you may find them challenging but certainly manageable.

How do I prepare for Home Depot tests?

The best way to prepare for Home Depot tests is through practice and familiarization. Practice Aptitude Tests offers an array of tests that you can use to sharpen your skills and build confidence before taking the actual Home Depot assessments.

How long does the recruitment process take at Home Depot?

The length of Home Depot’s recruitment process may differ based on the position and the number of applicants, but it can typically include multiple stages over a few weeks. Navigating through this process quickly requires proper preparation.

What are Home Depot's core values?

Home Depot’s core values focus on excellent customer service, creating value for their stakeholders, and an entrepreneurial spirit amongst its associates. They embrace a culture of respect, taking care of their people and doing the right thing.

Reviews of our Home Depot tests

What our customers say about our Home Depot tests

  • United States of America

    September 20, 2022

    Very informative.

    I liked that there were real-world situations. What I didn't like was once you pushed a letter for your answer you are not allowed to erase or change your mind.

  • United States of America

    June 17, 2022

    Great answering system

    I like the answers and ranking system. I think it creates the opportunity to get an honest feel for how the test-taker actually perceives the issue. There is a good balance of freedom while staying in the multiple-choice testing area.

  • United States of America

    April 08, 2022

    The Basics of Aptitude Testing

    Some of the answers were almost similar in some ways, which caused me to derail from the right answers at some points.