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Flex Assessments

    • 12 tests |
    • 139 questions

Flex is a global manufacturing company that specializes in providing end-to-end supply chain solutions, design, engineering, and manufacturing services for a diverse range of industries. It focuses on driving innovation, reducing costs, and delivering high-quality products to meet the evolving demands of customers.

Prepare yourself for leading employers

Flex interview

The last stage of the hiring process is the interview, and this will most likely be conducted using video conferencing software. You can expect the interview to include questions about your past experience and knowledge of the role, but there may be other questions too:

  • Motivational questions - why do you want to work at Flex? Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Behavioral questions - tell us about a time when you had to work as a team to solve a problem. Describe a time when you had to deliver bad news to someone.

Preparation is key, so make sure you know what the recruiters are looking for in a candidate when you are getting ready for the interview.

Top Tips To Pass The Flex Test


The more you know about a business and about the role you have applied for, the better your chances of impressing the recruitment team and getting the job. Make sure you know about the different sectors of Flex and what they do in general, and focus on highlighting the core competencies, skills, and qualifications that they are looking for in your resume and while you are completing the tests.

Practice tests

Practicing the different types of tests has several benefits. You’ll become more familiar with the structure and layout of the tests so that you won’t be as nervous when you are faced with the real thing. You will also be able to see from the results if there are any areas you might need to work on and revise to help improve your overall score.


If you are aware of your weaknesses as well as your strengths, you will be able to work on yourself to get a better score.

If you know that you will be taking a numerical reasoning test and you are a bit rusty on your math skills, then you can get revising to remind yourself of the different strategies you can use to find the right answer.

Get enough rest

Testing is a nerve-wracking experience, and it can be made so much worse when you know that there is a lot resting on your success.

Give yourself the best chance to perform well by ensuring that you get enough rest in the run-up to the test. Aim for 6-8 hours of sleep a night, and don’t forget to eat well and stay hydrated too. Your body and your brain need the right fuel for optimum performance.

Take your time

Most aptitude tests are timed, and while you need to work quickly and efficiently to complete the assessment in the given time, rushing can be detrimental to your performance. Take some time to make sure that you read every question thoroughly, and check your answers before you submit them so you can avoid making costly mistakes.

Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with Flex. We provide preparation services for Flex psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample Flex Assessments question Test your knowledge!

The engineering team is conducting a time study to optimize the workflow. If one task took 30 minutes in the first trial, 28 minutes in the second, and 32 minutes in the third, what was the average time taken to complete the task?

  • 29 minutes
  • 30 minutes
  • 31 minutes
  • 32 minutes

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Flex Assessments Tips

1Understand the Format

Familiarize yourself with the types of questions you’ll face. Different exams have different formats, so knowing what to expect can save precious time during the actual test.

2Practice Regularly

Consistency is key! Regular practice will help you improve your speed and accuracy, building confidence for the real test.

3Free Practice Tests Available

You can practice tests of these types for free right here on Practice Aptitude Tests, giving you an edge in your preparation.

4Time Management

Work on pacing yourself during practice tests to ensure that you can complete all questions within the time limit on test day.

5Review and Learn

After each practice session, review your answers. Understanding why you got something wrong is just as important as getting it right.

Improve your hiring chances by 76%

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Flex Assessments FAQs

What are the Flex tests?

Flex employs a variety of assessments to gauge an applicant’s fit for their dynamic work environment. These tests are designed to evaluate a range of skills pertinent to the responsibilities of the role.

Are the Flex tests hard?

The difficulty of Flex tests can vary, but they are generally challenging. They’re designed to assess a candidate’s ability to perform under the sort of pressures they might face on the job.

How do I prepare for Flex tests?

The best prep strategy for Flex tests is frequent practice. Hone your skills with the multitude of tests offered by Practice Aptitude Tests to enhance your readiness.

How long does the recruitment process take at Flex?

Recruitment at Flex can be a thorough process, so the duration can vary. It’s essential to remain patient and stay prepared as you progress from one stage to the next.

What are Flex's core values?

Flex prides itself on innovation, quality, and cost-efficiency. These core values guide their mission to provide outstanding products and services across various industries.