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FedEx Assessments

    • 10 tests |
    • 124 questions

FedEx, founded in 1971, is a global leader in delivery services known for its reliable overnight shipping and advanced tracking systems.

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Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with FedEx. We provide preparation services for FedEx psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample FedEx Assessments question Test your knowledge!

An agent has a 13:00 meeting at a Manchester Football Ground. She plans to take a taxi from Manchester train or coach station, which are a 25-minute and a 35-minute taxi ride away respectively. Which is the cheapest single ticket travel option (ignoring the taxi fare) if the agent must leave London between 09:00-09:30?

Train Coach
London Departure Manchester Arrival Single Ticket Return Ticket London Departure Manchester Arrival Single Ticket Return Ticket
06:20** 8:30 £75.00 £134.99 06:30** 9:45 £59.49 £109.99
07:50** 10:05* £65.00 £109.49 08:00** 11:15 £49.99 £94.49
9:00 11:25* £65.00 £109.49 09:10** 12:30 £49.99 £94.49
9:20 11:50 £59.50 £105.00 09:30** 12:50 £55.00 £85.00
10:05 12:45* £59.50 £85.00 10:00** 13:05 £55.00 £85.00
10:30 12:55 £49.99 £69.99 11:00 14:10 £50.00 £79.50
11:10 13:25 £39.99 £69.99 11:20 14:30 £50.00 £79.50
11:40 14:15 £39.99 £70.49 11:30 14:30 £44.49 £70.00
12:00 14:35 £38.99 £70.49 12:00 15:15 £44.49 £70.00
  • * Wireless available
  • ** Breakfast served
  • 09:20 train departure
  • 09:00 train departure
  • 09:30 coach departure
  • 09:10 coach departure

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FedEx Assessments Tips

1Understand the Format

Getting familiar with the test format beforehand can greatly reduce test-day anxiety.

2Know Your Basics

Revise fundamental principles relevant to the test, especially in math and logical reasoning.

3Time Management

Learn how to pace yourself to ensure you can answer as many questions as possible within the time limit.

4Free Practice Tests

Practice Tests offers free tests that mimic the structure and content of FedEx’s assessments to enhance your preparation.

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FedEx Assessments FAQs

What are the FedEx tests?

FedEx uses a variety of tests within its hiring process to identify candidates who have the essential skills and attributes. These typically include cognitive ability tests, such as numerical and verbal reasoning, as well as personality profiling tools to assess cultural fit.

Are the FedEx tests hard?

The difficulty of the FedEx tests can vary depending on your strengths and experiences. Generally, they are designed to challenge applicants and identify those best suited for the roles. Thorough preparation can help mitigate this difficulty.

How do I prepare for FedEx tests?

Preparing for FedEx tests is best done by practicing in advance. Practice Aptitude Tests offers a range of mock tests that mimic what candidates will encounter during the application process, which is a highly effective way to prepare.

How long does the recruitment process take at FedEx?

The recruitment process length at FedEx can vary based on the role and the number of applicants. It often involves multiple stages, from online applications to assessment centres, and could span several weeks to a couple of months.

What are FedEx's core values?

FedEx’s core values include integrity, safety, respect for all, a focus on providing outstanding customer experience, and fostering a culture of innovation, teamwork, and personal responsibility.

Reviews of our FedEx tests

What our customers say about our FedEx tests

  • India

    October 18, 2022

    My First Online test

    It was very helpful for me to understand the pattern of questions and to analyse how to manage the time.

  • India

    October 18, 2022

    Mind game to know the questions

    It was very interesting to locate the shapes in the reasoning questions. i am very excited to write this assessment. thank you.