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Eversheds Assessments

    • 18 tests |
    • 202 questions

Global law practice Eversheds Sutherland provides legal services to the world’s largest corporate firms.

Prepare yourself for leading employers

Top Tips To Pass The Eversheds Test

Are you nervous about an upcoming strengths-based interview? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here are some tips to help you ace the interview and impress your potential employer.

1. Know your strengths like the back of your hand

Research the job description and company to figure out which skills they value most. This way, you can tailor your answers accordingly and highlight how your unique strengths align with their needs.

2. Practice situational judgement tests

In a strengths-based interview, employers focus on your natural abilities rather than just your experience or qualifications. This means that they will be looking for evidence of how you have used your strengths to solve problems in the past.

By practicing situational judgement tests beforehand, you can start to understand what these scenarios might look like and how you can use your strengths to tackle them.

3. Be honest

Recruiters don’t expect you to be perfect. What they want to see is that you are self-aware. So don’t be afraid to give honest answers about the areas where you struggle. However, make sure to also highlight how you are working on improving those weaknesses.

4. Check your equipment

A quick equipment check will ensure that everything is functioning properly. Imagine getting halfway through a video interview only to discover that your microphone isn’t working or your camera angle is off-kilter. Not only will this throw you off balance, but it’ll also waste valuable time and possibly ruin your chances of landing the job.

5. Don’t forget to smile and stay positive

When it comes to job interviews, it’s not just about having the right qualifications and experience. Your attitude can play a huge role in determining whether or not you get hired.

If you come into an interview with a positive attitude, it’s likely that your interviewer will pick up on this energy. This can help you stand out among other candidates by showing that you’re enthusiastic about the role and eager to contribute to the company.

Sample Eversheds Tests question Test your knowledge!

In the grid below, one box is missing. You must work out what rules are being applied in the other boxes in order to work out which of boxes A to F will complete the grid.

Question 1
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F

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Eversheds Tests Tips

1Understand the Test Format

Getting familiar with the structure and format of the tests can greatly reduce anxiety and help you manage your time effectively during the actual exam.

2Practice, Practice, Practice

Nothing beats good old practice when it comes to standardized tests. Take as many practice tests as you can to build confidence and improve your performance.

3Read the Instructions Carefully

Make sure to read all instructions thoroughly before beginning each test section. Knowing what’s expected of you can make a big difference in how well you perform.

4Free Practice Tests Available

Remember that you can take practice tests of these types on Practice Aptitude Tests for free to simulate the actual testing experience.

5Stay Calm and Focused

During the test, remain calm and maintain your focus on the questions. Avoid any distractions that could disrupt your concentration.

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Eversheds Tests FAQs

What are the Eversheds tests?

The Eversheds tests are a battery of assessments designed to evaluate a variety of aptitudes, including analytical reasoning, verbal ability, and problem-solving skills, tailored to determine the suitability of candidates for roles within the legal field.

Are the Eversheds tests hard?

The difficulty of Eversheds tests might vary depending on the individual’s strengths and experience. Typically, they are challenging to ensure only the most capable candidates progress in the hiring process.

How do I prepare for Eversheds tests?

To prepare for Eversheds tests, it’s crucial to practice and become familiar with the test format. Practice Aptitude Tests offers a range of practice exams to help you hone your abilities for these specific tests.

How long does the recruitment process take at Eversheds?

The duration of the recruitment process at Eversheds can vary depending on the role and number of applicants. However, it typically involves several stages, including the initial application, assessment tests, and interviews.

What are Eversheds's core values?

Eversheds’s core values focus on collaborative teamwork, client-centered service, and the pursuit of excellence. They are committed to fostering an inclusive environment where innovation and integrity thrive.

Reviews of our Eversheds tests

What our customers say about our Eversheds tests

  • United Kingdom

    January 17, 2022

    Time management and calculator can be used

    I made the mistake to not use a calculator in the beginning, when it can be used. Hence, my time management was not as good as it could have been (to finish the test fully).