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Apple Assessments

    • 10 tests |
    • 83 questions

Apple is one of the most recognised technology businesses in the world and hardly needs an introduction. Founded in California in 1976, Apple has been going from strength to strength in terms of innovation both in hardware and software.

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Situational Judgement Test

When you are applying for a role that requires interaction with clients, customers, or other employees, you might be asked to complete a situational judgement test.

The situational judgement test is structured with questions that are based on realistic work scenarios, with several possible courses of action that could be taken to solve the problem in the question.

The reason for the test is to establish how you would respond if you were faced with a similar problem in your daily work. This is an assessment of your work behaviours and personality traits.

The answers that you give in the situational judgement test are compared to an ideal candidate profile to show that you match the requirements for future success.

Personality Test

The personality testis used mainly to assess candidates for culture fit - making sure that they will be comfortable in the type of working environment that their role is in, and that they could be successful based on strengths, weaknesses, motivations and fears.

An example of the importance of this could be that a candidate has applied for a customer-facing role in the service department, but dealing with conflict is not one of their strengths. This might mean that they would not find the work rewarding and would be unhappy.

Personality tests do not have any right or wrong answers, and they are usually self-reporting which means that you have to dive deep to describe yourself based on the statements provided. In most cases, there is no time limit to the personality test, but you should try to answer quickly using your instincts (but bearing in mind the competencies and values needed at Apple and for the role in particular).

Apple Telephone Interview

The telephone interview is often the first opportunity that you will have to speak directly to the recruitment team, and for roles that do not need aptitude testing the telephone interview is an important part of the screening process.

In the telephone interview, you can expect a bit of a discussion about your education and experience as described in your CV, but the focus of the questions will be competency-based.

These questions will test you based on your experiences, so you will need to provide examples of when you have demonstrated various skills like teamwork, leadership and innovation.

To prepare for the telephone interview, look at the required skills and think of examples. You should practice giving these examples in a succinct yet detailed way to give the recruiter everything they need to be able to take you to the next stage.

Apple Assessment Centre

For some roles, the final stage in the recruitment process is the Assessment Centre. This usually takes place in an Apple office but can take place via video link.

During the day, you will be under constant assessment for a range of different aptitudes, but specifically, the ‘soft skills’ that are hard to evaluate in other ways. These include communication, teamwork, leadership and innovation. You can expect to take part in a number of exercises and activities both as part of a group and individually.

  • Group Exercise - as a team, you will need to work on a task or a case study to form a conclusion or solve a problem.
  • Written Exercise - this is an individual activity, and you will be provided with a written brief and necessary information to provide a recommendation based on a case study.
  • Role Play - this is a pair activity, where you and a partner will act as Apple employees while a manager or recruiter plays the part of an Apple customer.

Final Interviews

In some application processes, the final interview is part of the Assessment Centre, but in others, this is a separate occasion.

The final interview is a face-to-face interview that is an extension of the questions in the telephone interview.

You will be asked competency-based questions to assess your work behaviour and the way you make decisions, your personality traits and your past experience.

In the face to face interview you will also be assessed on your confidence, poise, and presentation - so make sure that you are well prepared, dressed for success, and appear friendly and ready to answer.

There will also be an opportunity in this interview for you to ask some questions of your own, so come prepared with thoughtful questions about more than just holiday allowance or what your salary will be.

Practice Aptitude Tests is not associated with Apple. We provide preparation services for Apple psychometric tests. Our tests are not designed to be identical to any style, employer or industry. Visit to find out more.

Sample Apple Tests question Test your knowledge!

A paragraph describes how a company had to adapt its manufacturing process due to a change in supply chain management, resulting in improved efficiency. What is the primary purpose of this paragraph?

  • To argue against changes in supply chain management
  • To explain the impact of supply chain management on manufacturing efficiency
  • To persuade readers to invest in the company
  • To list the challenges faced by the company due to supply chain issues

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Apple Tests Tips

1Know Your Hardware

Apple’s reputation is built on impeccable design and user experience, which extends to its hiring process. Familiarize yourself with the basic functionalities of Apple hardware, as it could be fundamental to the testing environment and expectations.

2Think Different

Innovation is key at Apple, so approach problems with creativity. During the tests, look for novel solutions – your ability to think outside the box can set you apart from other candidates.

3Details Matter

Attention to detail is a hallmark of Apple’s success. During your tests, pay close attention to the smaller elements as well as the bigger picture; this is a valued trait in potential job candidates.

4Stay Calm Under Pressure

The Apple hiring process can be intense, just like its work environment. Practice staying focused and calm during the tests in order to perform your best, even under tight time constraints.

5Practice Aptitude Tests

There’s no substitute for practice, especially with aptitude tests. Equip yourself with a feel for the types of questions you’ll face by using Practice Aptitude Tests to boost your confidence and performance.

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Apple Tests FAQs

What are the Apple tests?

Apple utilizes a variety of tests in their hiring process to assess candidates on multiple levels, including technical knowledge, problem-solving ability, and cultural fit within the company.

Are the Apple tests hard?

Like anything worth achieving, Apple tests can be challenging. They are designed to rigorously evaluate a candidate’s suitability for the fast-paced and innovative environment that Apple prides itself on.

How do I prepare for Apple tests?

The best way to prepare for Apple tests is by practicing and taking practice tests. Websites like Practice Aptitude Tests offer a wealth of resources to help you get ready and face these tests with confidence.

How long does the recruitment process take at Apple?

The recruitment process at Apple varies by role and location, but candidates can expect a thorough process that may take several weeks to a few months, including tests and multiple interview stages.

What are Apple's core values?

Apple’s core values revolve around innovation, inclusion, and social responsibility. They foster a culture where bold ideas thrive, and every voice is heard, pushing the boundaries of what is possible.