Are Talent Q tests hard?
Talent Q tests are designed to be challenging. On the positive side, the adaptive nature of the tests allows you to perform to the best of your numerical ability and stand out from other applicants. Ensuring that you practice the tests will help hone your numerical skills and let your natural ability shine through.
How are Talent Q numerical tests scored?
There is no set pass mark with a Talent Q test. The overall mark achieved in the Talent Q test is either compared to an overall benchmark set by the employer, or compared against the scores of other candidates.
How long is a Talent Q numerical test?
The test takes just over 15 minutes, with 75 seconds to complete each of the 12 questions in the test.
Can you use a calculator?
You can use a calculator in the test. It is also advisable to have a pen and paper with you, so you can note down any calculations.
How can I improve my numerical reasoning?
Refreshing your memory on basic numerical concepts such as fractions, ratios and percentages can help improve your numerical skills. Reading infographics and working out what the image conveys – before reading the accompanying text – can also help you focus on analysing numerical information.
What's the difference between Talent Q and Korn Ferry tests?
Korn Ferry is an assessment organisation that became part of the Hay group (which also owns Talent Q) in 2014. Korn Ferry aptitude tests are distinct from talent Q tests, however, despite having the same owner.