When it comes to hiring, every company does it differently. However, many of the same questions are often asked, because they help to determine whether or not you would be a good fit for the job and the company. You can read some tips on handling job interviews here.

Group interviews are a common type of interview technique. In this article, we explore what group interviews are and the questions you can expect.

What are group interviews?

Group interviews are a popular way to interview candidates using multiple interviewers.

By using different interviewers, employers can get a variety of opinions and reduce hiring bias. This format can also be helpful for candidates, as it allows them to meet people in the company they may be working with.

Group interview questions typically focus on teamwork and problem-solving. The key to doing well in a group interview is being prepared. Make sure you know about the company’s history, culture, and products or services.

10 common group interview questions

To help you prepare, we’ve put together 10 group interview questions that are frequently asked.

1. What are your strengths?

This is a question that many employers want to know the answer to.

One way to think about your strengths is to consider what you are good at and what you enjoy doing. Consider the things that make you happy and the things that you are proud of. What comes easy for you? What do people compliment you on?

Think about your experience too. What have you done in the past that has been successful? What did your last boss say was your strongest skill?

When answering this question, it is important to be honest. Don’t try to sell yourself short or brag too much.

Some examples of strengths could include being a hard worker, being detail-oriented, having strong problem-solving skills, being creative, or having excellent communication skills.

2. What are your weaknesses?

This question can be difficult to answer, but it’s important to be honest and forthcoming. Your weaknesses can give the interviewer a better understanding of your strengths and how you handle difficult situations.

Be prepared to give an honest answer, but also make sure you have a plan to overcome that weakness. For example, if you’re shy, you might have a plan to take on leadership roles and become more comfortable speaking in public.

Remember that everyone has weaknesses, so don’t feel like you need to hide them. Just make sure you have a plan to overcome them.

3. Why are you interested in this position?

When an interviewer asks, "Why are you interested in this position?" they are looking to see if you have done your research on the company and the job role. They also want to know if you are a good fit for the role.

You could structure your answer to this question like this:

  • Why did you choose this particular company?
  • Why did you choose this particular job?
  • What are your skills and experience that make you a good fit for this position?

Ultimately, this comes down to research into the role and an ability to express your passion and interest.

4. Why should we hire you?

To answer this question effectively, you’ll need to do some research on the company and the position. Make sure you understand what the company is looking for and how your skills and experience match those requirements.

Then, outline what makes you unique and explain why you would be a valuable addition to the team.

Be honest and positive, and don’t hesitate to highlight your strengths. Sell yourself as the perfect candidate for the job, and make sure you leave the interviewer with no doubt that you’re the best person for the position.

5. What can you contribute to our company?

Employers are looking for individuals with the skill set and qualities that can benefit their company. When answering this question, think about what you have to offer and how you can help the company grow.

Your answer should be tailored to the job you are interviewing for. Be prepared to talk about your strengths and how they can benefit the company. You should also be ready to give examples of times when you have demonstrated these qualities.

6. Tell us about a time when you overcome a challenge

The best way to answer this question is to give an example of a time when you were faced with adversity and describe how you reacted. Stay positive and focus on your strengths. Avoid talking about things that went wrong or that you didn’t do well.

Be sure to explain the steps you took to overcome the challenge and what you learned from the experience. Discussing what you learned shows that you’re reflective and that you’re able to learn from your mistakes.

Make sure that your story is relevant to the job for which you are interviewing. If possible, use an example from your work experience.

7. How would your colleagues describe you?

This question can give your future employer some insight into how you are perceived by others and whether or not you would be a good fit for the company. It can also help you understand what qualities your potential colleagues value.

If you’re asked this question in an interview, take a moment to think about who your closest friends at work are. What adjectives come to mind when they describe you?

Are you hard working? Creative? Organized? Friendly? Honest? Take these qualities into account and try to come up with a few words that best describe yourself.

If you’re having trouble thinking of adjectives, try asking your friends directly. They’ll likely be happy to share what they think of you and may even have some stories to illustrate their point.

8. What do you know about our company?

Demonstrating knowledge of a company is crucial in showing a keen interest in working there.

There are several things that employees want you to know about a company. The first is the company’s history: where it came from and how it has grown.

Employees also want you to know the culture of the company: what is the work environment like and what are the expectations for employees.

Finally, employees want you to know the company values: qualities you should try to prove to the interviewee that you have.

9. Where do you see yourself in five years?

This question can be tricky to answer, as you don’t want to appear too ambitious or unrealistic, but you also want to show the interviewer that you have a plan and that you’re committed to your career.

There is no one correct answer to this question; it depends on your individual career goals and what type of position you are interviewing for. However, if you are having trouble formulating an answer, here are a few tips:

  • Think about where you see yourself professionally. Are you interested in pursuing a management position? Or do you see yourself continuing in your current role for the next five years?
  • Be realistic about your goals
  • Show that you’ve put some thought into your plans

10. Do you have any questions for us?

Finally, it is important to ask your group interviewers questions too.

You want to show some genuine interest and show that you care about the role. This can help you stand out.

Some questions you might consider asking are:

  • Are there opportunities for training and progression?
  • What’s your favorite perk about working here?
  • A specific question or two about the role

Further Reading

If you want more tips for preparing for your next interview check out the resources below: