Language Tests
- 1180 tests |
- 15592 questions
Welcome to our comprehensive language testing catalogue. This includes a wide range of language tests such as grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening skills, and more. Each test package is carefully designed to mirror real exam conditions. Click on one of our language testing packages to begin your practice.
Arabic - Al-Arabiyyah Test
Boost your Arabic language skills with the Al-Arabiyyah Test suite for comprehensive assessment.
20 tests | 250 questions -
Arabic - Arabic Language Proficiency Test (ALPT)
Master the Arabic Language Proficiency Test (ALPT) with confidence and ease.
20 tests | 243 questions -
Arabic - EPT (Emirates Standardized Test)
Master your Arabic language skills for the Emirates Standardized Test with our comprehensive practice suite.
20 tests | 254 questions -
Catalan - Certificat de Capacitació en Llengua Catalana
Enhance your career potential with the Catalan - Certificat de Capacitació en Llengua Catalana.
20 tests | 261 questions -
Chinese - HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi)
Master Chinese - HSK and boost your career opportunities with focused practice.
20 tests | 261 questions -
Chinese - TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language)
Master Chinese with TOCFL Tests: Demonstrate Your Proficiency Today!
20 tests | 256 questions -
Chinese - YCT (Youth Chinese Test)
Ace your Chinese skills with our Chinese - YCT Test Prep!
20 tests | 264 questions -
Czech - CCE (Czech Language Certificate Exam)
Master the Czech - CCE Exam: Show employers your proficiency!
20 tests | 262 questions -
Danish - Prøve i Dansk (Danish Language Tests)
Master Danish proficiency with the Danish - Prøve i Dansk Test Suite and stand out!
20 tests | 269 questions -
Dutch - Inburgeringsexamen
Master the Dutch - Inburgeringsexamen and unlock new career opportunities in the Netherlands.
20 tests | 267 questions -
Dutch - NT2 (Nederlands als Tweede Taal)
Meet the Dutch Communication Standards with the NT2 Test Suite.
20 tests | 272 questions -
English - Bulats (Business Language Testing Service)
Ace your English - Bulats with confidence and ease!
20 tests | 286 questions -
English - Cambridge English Exams (FCE, CAE, CPE)
Master English Fluency for Global Opportunities with the English - Cambridge Exams Suite.
20 tests | 279 questions -
English - Michigan English Test (MET)
Ace the English - Michigan English Test (MET) and showcase your language proficiency!
20 tests | 282 questions -
English - OET (Occupational English Test)
Ace the English - OET with confidence and show off your language skills!
20 tests | 284 questions -
English - PTE Academic (Pearson Test of English)
Master the English - PTE Academic with our targeted practice tests!
20 tests | 272 questions -
English - STEP (Standardized Test for English Proficiency)
Ace Your English - STEP with Confidence and Precision!
20 tests | 274 questions -
English - TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication)
Ace Your English - TOEIC with Confidence and Propel Your Career Forward!
20 tests | 271 questions -
English - Trinity College London Exams (GESE, ISE)
Master English proficiency for success with Trinity College London Exams!
20 tests | 276 questions -
Filipino - Philippine Language Proficiency Test
Master the Filipino - Philippine Language Proficiency Test with ease and confidence!
20 tests | 262 questions -
Finnish - YKI (Yleinen Kielitutkinto)
Conquer your Finnish - YKI proficiency with confidence and ease!
20 tests | 279 questions -
French - DELF/DALF (Diplôme d'Études en Langue Française/Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française)
Master the French - DELF/DALF and showcase your proficiency!
20 tests | 268 questions -
French - DFP (Diplôme de français professionnel)
Excel in French language proficiency with our specialized DFP test suite.
20 tests | 267 questions -
French - Ev@lang
Boost your French - Ev@lang proficiency and stand out in the hiring process!
20 tests | 280 questions -
French - TCF (Test de Connaissance du Français)
Ace the French - TCF and showcase your proficiency in French effectively!
20 tests | 275 questions -
French - TEF (Test d'Évaluation de Français)
Boost your linguistic chops with the French - TEF Test suite.
20 tests | 274 questions -
German - DSH (Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang)
Master the German - DSH to unlock opportunities in higher education and careers!
20 tests | 277 questions -
German - TestDaF (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache)
Master the German language with our comprehensive TestDaF prep package.
20 tests | 276 questions -
German - telc Deutsch
Ace the German - telc Deutsch exam with confidence and ease! Sharpen your skills here.
20 tests | 278 questions -
German - ÖSD (Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch)
Master the German - ÖSD tests to elevate your career opportunities in German-speaking environments.
20 tests | 272 questions -
Greek - Ellinomatheia (Modern Greek Language Certification Test)
Master the Greek language and culture with our Ellinomatheia test suite.
20 tests | 234 questions -
Hebrew - YAEL (Yeda Am Echad Language)
Master Hebrew with the YAEL test suite – your gateway to language proficiency.
20 tests | 246 questions -
Hindi - PLTI (Proficiency in Hindi Language Test)
Master Hindi - PLTI for your next big career leap!
20 tests | 232 questions -
The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) assesses English language proficiency. It evaluates listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. It's widely accepted for education, employment, and immigration purposes.
20 tests | 280 questions -
Italian - CELI (Certificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana)
Master Italian - CELI with ease and show potential employers your proficiency!
20 tests | 280 questions -
Italian - CILS (Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera)
Master Italian - CILS and Open Your World to New Opportunities!
20 tests | 277 questions -
Italian - PLIDA (Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri)
Conquer the Italian Language Barrier with Our PLIDA Test Suite!
20 tests | 271 questions -
Japanese - BJT (Business Japanese Proficiency Test)
Unlock your potential in the business world with Japanese - BJT proficiency.
20 tests | 288 questions -
Japanese - J-Test
Conquer the Japanese - J-Test with confidence and show off your language proficiency!
20 tests | 266 questions -
Japanese - JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test)
Master the Japanese language with our Japanese - JLPT suite and get ahead!
20 tests | 261 questions -
Korean - KLPT (Korean Language Proficiency Test)
Master the Korean - KLPT and open the door to new career opportunities!
20 tests | 252 questions -
Korean - TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean)
Master Korean - TOPIK with tailored practice and succeed in language assessments.
20 tests | 251 questions -
Mongolian - Mongolian Language Proficiency Test
Master the Mongolian Language Proficiency Test and showcase your linguistic prowess!
20 tests | 229 questions -
Polish - State Certificate Examination in Polish as a Foreign Language
Ace the Polish - State Certificate Examination with confidence and proficiency.
20 tests | 274 questions -
Portuguese - CAPLE (Centro de Avaliação de Português Língua Estrangeira)
Master Portuguese - CAPLE with tailored preparation for your professional aspirations.
20 tests | 252 questions -
Portuguese - CELPE-Bras (Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros)
Ace the Portuguese - CELPE-Bras and showcase your language proficiency to employers.
20 tests | 252 questions -
Russian - TORFL (Test of Russian as a Foreign Language)
Master Russian - TORFL and showcase your proficiency with confidence!
20 tests | 232 questions -
Russian - TRKI (Тест по русскому языку как иностранному)
Master the Russian - TRKI Tests to Unlock Global Career Opportunities!
20 tests | 237 questions -
Spanish - AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam
Elevate your Spanish skills for the workplace with the Spanish - AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam suite.
20 tests | 266 questions -
Spanish - CELU (Certificado de Español: Lengua y Uso)
Elevate your Spanish skills with our Spanish - CELU practice tests for seamless communication expertise!
20 tests | 274 questions -
Spanish - DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera)
Dominating the Spanish - DELE course? Show it off and stand out in your job applications!
20 tests | 274 questions -
Spanish - SIELE (Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española)
Master Spanish with our SIELE test suite and open doors worldwide!
20 tests | 277 questions -
Swedish - SWEDEX (Swedish Examinations)
Master Swedish with the SWEDEX Suite - Your Gateway to Proficiency!
20 tests | 273 questions -
Swedish - TISUS (Test in Swedish for University Studies)
Master the Swedish - TISUS and unlock opportunities for university-level study in Sweden.
20 tests | 271 questions -
The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) assesses English language proficiency for non-native speakers. It evaluates reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills. It's widely accepted for education, employment, and immigration purposes.
20 tests | 279 questions -
Thai - CU-TFL (Chulalongkorn University Test of Thai as a Foreign Language)
Unlock new opportunities with the Thai - CU-TFL test suite.
20 tests | 237 questions -
Turkish - TYS (Türkçe Yeterlik Sınavı)
Master Turkish - TYS and showcase your language skills with confidence!
20 tests | 265 questions -
Urdu - AUSMAT (Assessment of Urdu Skills for Modern Applications Test)
Ace Your Urdu - AUSMAT with Confidence and Precision!
20 tests | 230 questions -
Vietnamese - Vietnamese Proficiency Test
Master the Vietnamese - Vietnamese Proficiency Test with Ease and Confidence.
20 tests | 241 questions