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Army Assessments

    • 19 tests |
    • 204 questions

Since 1992, anyone who applies to join the army is required to take, and pass, the army aptitude test. Combining numerous psychometric tests, it’s designed to assess the key skills and attributes needed to succeed. Your results determine whether you can join the army, and also what role(s) within the army you’d be best suited to.

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Sample Army Tests question Test your knowledge!

During a training exercise, four soldiers must carry boxes to different locations. Soldier 1 takes 20 minutes, Soldier 2 takes 15 minutes, Soldier 3 takes 30 minutes, and Soldier 4 takes 25 minutes. What is the average time taken by the soldiers to deliver the boxes?

  • 22.5 minutes
  • 23 minutes
  • 21.25 minutes
  • 22.5 minutes

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The tests were well suited to the job that I’ve applied for. They are easy to do and loads of them.

Sophie used Practice Aptitude Tests to help pass her aptitude tests for Deloitte.


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Army Tests Tips

1Understand the Battlefield

Before you dive into practice, familiarize yourself with the types of questions and formats you’ll encounter. Knowing what to expect reduces surprises and maximizes your effectiveness during the actual test.

2Get in the Trenches Regularly

Consistent practice is your ally. The more you test yourself, the more natural the questions will feel. Make it a daily drill to refine your skills and build mental endurance.

3Review Your Maneuvers

After completing each practice test, take the time to review your answers, particularly the ones you got wrong. Understanding your errors is crucial for strategizing improvements in your next attempt.

4Simulate Test Day Conditions

Practice under realistic conditions. This means timing yourself as if you were in the actual exam. It’ll teach you to manage your time effectively and handle the pressure of a countdown.

5Stay in Fighting Shape

Just like physical fitness, keep your mind sharp. Rest well before practice tests, and ensure you’re in a distraction-free environment to maintain focus. A clear and well-rested mind is your best weapon.

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  • 20 Aptitude packages
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Army Tests FAQs

What makes army aptitude tests hard?

The tests are designed to be challenging to help the army recruit the best candidates. You’re also being tested on a wide variety of skills, which means that most people will find at least one section of the test hard. The best way to prepare yourself is to practice as many tests as you can beforehand.

Do soldiers need good maths?

Strong numerical skills are one of the many requirements of army recruits. Being able to work with numbers quickly, accurately and with confidence is a skill set that’s highly sought after in the army.

How long are the army aptitude tests?

The army aptitude tests each take around 30 minutes to complete. You’ll take the test on a computer at your local Army Careers Centre.

What happens if you fail the army aptitude tests?

Unfortunately, if you fail the test this means you won’t be eligible to move forwards with your army application. This is the best possible reason to practice as hard as you can beforehand.

Reviews of our Armed Forces tests

What our customers say about our Armed Forces tests

  • South Africa

    August 29, 2023

    To be good in numbers

    The test was awesome as it needs a person to be ready and let their brains function fast as for coming up with correct answers.

  • South Africa

    July 24, 2023

    To keep focus

    There were not any dislikes but loved the fact that it actually made me realize to brush up my maths skills

  • Zambia

    June 15, 2023

    The test was challenging and real

    I liked that the test was real and challenging, making me to realize how much I need to prepare and practice

  • Namibia

    October 06, 2022


    What I liked about the test is that it’s testing the intelligence of a person and it requires a fast thinker. What I dislike is the time set for the test, it requires more time to endure.

  • Ghana

    August 09, 2022


    I like math and love the fact that even if i don't pass, I can go back and revise well, come back and resit for it again

  • Cameroon

    April 18, 2022

    It’s just a test to exercise, so you can fail and try again

    I liked the fact that there is the possibility to review all questions before ending the test, but found some questions not related to the army.

  • United Kingdom

    February 10, 2022

    You have to understand the question first

    What l like is that the questions are easy – but you can fail if you do not understand, you have to solve and not guess.

  • United Kingdom

    January 04, 2022

    Could not do any of the calculations

    Need to go learn all the percentages and annual returns sums, but also need to find out if you have a calculator in the test or not.

  • Philippines

    November 04, 2021

    It's really hard

    I like the test because it's really challenging. And some of the answers are not in the choices. And the things I don't like in the test was the subject given, because it is mathematics . Hahahaha

  • Botswana

    September 25, 2021

    Knowledgeable test

    The test is very challenging and it needs a lot of focus. Overall it equips one to work harder and smarter.