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Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests

    • 30 tests |
    • 300 questions

A diagrammatic reasoning test is a form of psychometric test consisting of multiple-choice questions based on shapes, patterns and figures. They assess logical reasoning ability by measuring how you can deduce rules from a given sequence and apply these to a new pictorial scenario.

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Free example diagrammatic reasoning questions

The only way to ensure you ace the diagrammatic reasoning test is to become familiar with the different types of questions you may be faced with.

Practising working through sequences, inferring their logic and applying it in new scenarios will build your confidence and reasoning ability.

Below is a selection of three free example diagrammatic questions to try out:

Question 1

What is the next logical image in the sequence?

diagrammatic reasoning practice question

Question 2

Does the extra box belong to Set A, Set B or neither?

diagrammatic reasoning practice questions

Question 3

What is the next logical image in the sequence?

diagrammatic test practice question


Question 1: Each block in the series contains a row of three arrows and a fourth arrow beneath this. At each step in the series: the fourth arrow shifts to become the first arrow in the row of three arrows, so that the third arrow in the row then becomes the fourth arrow (underneath the row of arrows). So the correct answer is E).

Question 2: The correct answer is Set A because the arrow is pointing to a circle. This is the common feature for all six of the Set A blocks. The position, size and colour of each of the figures doesn’t affect the answer.

Question 3: There are three rows of three arrows. At each step in the series, the first arrow from the first row is added to the end of the second row. The first arrow from the second row is added to the end of the third row; and the first arrow from the third row is added to the end of the first row. So the correct answer is A).

Sample Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests question Test your knowledge!

Which of the boxes comes next in the sequence?

Question 1
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E

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Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests Tips

1Know your parameters

Make sure you know how many questions you will be required to answer and the window of time that will be provided. Practising to the ‘one question = one minute’ rule is a safe bet to ensure you complete the whole test on the day.

2Speed, not haste

Whilst answering rapidly is important, the key is not to rush. Practise taking the time to understand the sequences presented to you in sample questions. This way you will be able to improve your speed without compromising analytical process and endangering the accuracy of your answers.

3Use your time wisely

Time management is vital to success in psychometric tests, so always keep an eye on the time. If you become stuck on a question, do not spend a disproportionate amount of time figuring it out. If it has been over a minute, take your best guess and move on, so you have time to answer all the questions.

4Practice in exam conditions

To prepare, sit your practise tests at a desk in a quiet environment with minimal distractions. This will ensure you are fully focused upon your preparation and get you used to the conditions needed on the day.

5Research the test and provider

Your prospective employer should provide basic details about the test type and publisher. Once you know this, do your research. Knowing as much about the test as possible beforehand will help you prepare. Find out about different types of questions and the aspects of the test that are unique to your test provider.

6Read the questions carefully

Take your time to digest the content of each question. Work through the question logically, assessing the relationship between the figures first, instead of jumping straight to the answer options. Trying to skip stages will result in confusion and might be counterproductive.

7Make sure you answer the question

It sounds obvious, but make sure you are answering the question that is being asked – and not the question you think is being asked. The questions will ask you to identify different aspects of the process as your final answer, so don’t get tripped up by providing the wrong piece of information from the problem you have carefully unfurled.

8Have the right equipment

Remember to have everything you need for the test at hand. It is sensible to have some paper for any rough working, particularly as the tests are online. You may also find a stopwatch useful.

9Remain calm

Keeping a cool head and approaching the test with confidence will prevent sabotage through anxiety. You need to be able to think clearly to work logically through the problems presented. Practise breathing exercises to ensure you can remain calm and achieve the score you deserve.

10Practise using high-quality sample tests

Preparation is the key to success in psychometric tests, including diagrammatic reasoning. Working through sample tests will allow you to familiarise yourself with the test format, learn the logic of the questions and improve the speed at which you can answer them.

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Diagrammatic Reasoning Tests FAQs

How are diagrammatic reasoning tests scored?

Diagrammatic reasoning tests consist of diagram-based sequences and usually have four answer options. The number of sequences for which you correctly identify the processes and select the right variant will equal your final score. Your score will be given to you raw, and as a percentile score for cohort comparison.

What are diagrammatic reasoning tests used for?

Diagrammatic reasoning tests are used to assess logical thinking. Various diagram sequences, varying in complexity, test your ability to identify consistent patterns based on deductive or inductive reasoning. Employers use these tests to evaluate problem-solving skills in potential hires.

What is graphical reasoning?

Graphical reasoning is essentially a synonym for diagrammatic reasoning. It involves the analysis of sequences of shapes or symbols (graphics) to deduce the processes that have resulted in the given output. Test-takers are required to select the correct input or output for a series that follows the same logic.

How is diagrammatic aptitude measured?

Diagrammatic aptitude is measured through assessing a candidate’s ability to interpret sequences, patterns and processes, and then apply logical reasoning abilities, both deductive and inductive. To display this aptitude, a candidate will be required to answer an average of 30 diagrammatic questions rapidly and accurately.

Where can I practice diagrammatic reasoning tests?

Diagrammatic reasoning tests might seem hard at first approach, but they become much easier to tackle once you get used to applying their logical rules. The key to spotting correct patterns and applying processes rapidly is consistent practice. This website has copious diagrammatic reasoning tests, with guides and tips for solving them.

Which employers use diagrammatic reasoning tests?

The chance that you will have to pass a diagrammatic reasoning test as you go through the recruitment process is high. Most large enterprises, and increasingly some smaller companies, use these tests to effectively whittle down candidates during the selection process. Designed to evaluate the logical thinking and problem-solving skills vital for almost every job, they are a hurdle that is set to stay.

Reviews of our Diagrammatic Reasoning tests

What our customers say about our Diagrammatic Reasoning tests

  • Germany

    January 26, 2025

    The creative patterns and logical structure of the questions

    The test was well-designed and presented an interesting challenge. The patterns were diverse and required careful observation to identify logical progressions. I appreciated how the questions encouraged lateral thinking and tested my ability to predict outcomes based on sequences

  • South Africa

    October 22, 2023


    The patterns are a little bit tricky but they can be easily detected if you focus more on what is in the box

  • Switzerland

    September 30, 2023

    Just like a real Big 4 online assessment

    Be able to go over the answers to such questions is critical on doing well on future online assessments.

  • Indonesia

    September 14, 2023


    I like the complexity of the question but at the first I didn't recognize that the upper line figures are the question.

  • Philippines

    September 08, 2023

    Stay Calm, don't be pressured.

    The Free Diagram Test is quite simpler as compared to other tests that I've taken. Be sure to note every changes, and you'll be alright.

  • United Kingdom

    August 09, 2023

    It was good

    I think that this test was good but i think it would only fit a certain age bracket which is those who are preparing for grammar tests so it needs to be more advanced for perhaps older students.

  • India

    June 25, 2023

    Very wonderful experience to attempt free test

    I like the test and questions were very crack ant test it will be helpful and my experience was good thankyou for providing these free test.

  • Pakistan

    June 24, 2023

    Gives a good practice

    It gives a good practice and makes you think on dimensions which you might miss otherwise in a normal attempt. I really appreciate.

  • Indonesia

    June 13, 2023


    it is a good platform to practice. I wish there were more free assessments.

  • Australia

    May 15, 2023

    Very attention grabbing

    I liked how interesting this test is as it grabs your attention once you looked at it, you immediately want to answer it.